Looking for the perfect substitute for your savings bank account to park your Surplus Amounts? UpWealth Smart Savings funds can do a better job than your savings account.
Liquid mutual funds with instant redemption facility to withdraw money instantly.
Avail 2% to 3% higher returns than bank saving accounts.
Withdraw your money instantly and easily without any exit load.
It consist of short term money market instruments & highly liquid.
Liquid funds belong to the debt category of mutual funds. They invest in very short-term market instruments like treasury bills, government securities etc. It is an open-ended debt mutual fund scheme, ideal for short-term investments. Investors can enter/exit the scheme whenever desired. Its is a low-risk instrument giving returns more than that received from bank.
Financial planners consider liquid funds to carry lowest risk as well as least volatility in the category of mutual funds. This is because they generally invest in instruments with high credit rating (P1+).
Unlike other debt funds where NAV is calculated only for business days, NAV for liquid funds is calculated for 365 days. NAV of liquid fund doesn’t fluctuate much as other funds. Units are allotted as per previous day’s NAV if application is received before 2 p.m. Withdrawal requests are processed in 24 hrs.
No lock-in period: Withdrawals from liquid funds are processed within 24 hours on business days.
No entry and exit load: Unlike FDs, there is no penalty for exiting or breaking them
Lowest interest rate risk: Lowest interest rate risk because of high liquidity
Taxation: Dividends received are tax-free. However, taxation is applicable
Diversification: Investing a certain portion of your excess cash in liquid funds
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